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For over 20 years, people interested in understanding the relationship among politics, markets, economics and culture have read The Credit Strategist. The philosophy of The Credit Strategist is that “everything is connected” and that you cannot understand the world without understanding how the economy and markets are influenced by and reflective of political and cultural trends. The newsletter covers all of these topics and seeks to draw them together to expose the underlying forces driving our civilization.

We offer two types of subscriptions: (1) Annual subscriptions for $625/year that include both monthly issues of ~12 pages and an intra-month blog with frequent market updates; or (2) Monthly subscriptions of $35/month ($425/year) that include only monthly issues and no blog. The blog is designed to provide timely updates on market-moving developments that can’t wait for the monthly publication deadline.

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Subscribe to The Credit Strategist

A newsletter covering markets, finance, politics and culture since 2001.


Covering markets and policy since 2000. Predicted the 2002 & 2008 credit crises. Widely read by investors, policymakers & academics around the world.